A little bit about The Aviation Encore

Welcome to The Aviation Encore!!

*** NOTE: As a result of moving the site from one host to another, I have lost all the content I have written so far. I am working on replacing the content as fast as I can. Stand by for more! ***

Join me as I travel the road of a rusty CFII, MEI, and AGI, and head to currency and hopefully beyond. 

My goal is to inspire other rusty pilots, to encourage those interested in aviation to pursue their dreams and to give refreshers to current pilots on topics maybe they haven’t covered in a while.

Why? Well doing the Back to the Basics series, helps me to focus on the basics I will want to make sure my students are up to date on the FARs, AIM, and all things flying. 

Join me on this journey. I’d like to share what I’m gathering, but also look forward to input from followers.